How to reach us?
You can find the Lužická bouda in the village of Horní Světlá, in the part called Myslivny. The pedestrian border crossing to Waltersdorf, Germany, is only 1 km away, the nearest road border crossing in Petrovice is approximately 20 km away.
Lužická bouda GPS: Location: 50°50'34.833"N, 14°38'56.374"E
Address: Lužická bouda, Horní Světlá 81, 471 57, Mařenice, Czech Republic
By car:
From Nový Bor: by road I/9 in the direction of Svor - Rumburk, 5 km behind Svor, turn right in the direction of Horní Světlá, in the village go under Luž Mountain where you can find a signpost to our guesthouse.
From Liberec: by road I/13 in the direction of Cvikov, Děčín, near Jablonné v Podještědí turn right in the direction of Heřmanice, Mařenice, Dolní Světllá, in Horní Světlá go under Luž Mountain where you can find a signpost to our guesthouse.
By train:
The nearest train station is the stop Jedlová zastávka located at a walking distance of 1.5 hours from the guesthouse. Train connections can be found here: (www.idos.cz - destination = Jedlová zastávka, tickets are sold on the train)
By bus:
The nearest bus stop is located 3km away from the guesthouse in the neighbouring village of Dolní Světlá, timetables can be found here
By bike:
Cycle track No. 3061 runs around the guesthouse, a detailed map can be found here
On foot:
There are many hiking trails in the area, a detailed map can be found here